CISC 3110
Advanced Programming Techniques
Vim Resources
Presented in class
Beyond Basics
Multiple Files
My Personal Favorites
A Nice Introductory Tutorial to Vim
Work your way through this
Sections you might want to pay particular attention to:
command (page 22)
Character twiddling (page 37)
Buffers (pages 49-52)
Chapter 6 — Visual Mode
Sections that are useful but not necessary intially:
Marks (page 37)
Windows (pages 45-48)
Sections that will probably not be that useful to you (at least initially):
Help (page 11) (use Google instead)
Keyboard macros (page 24)
Digraphs (page 25)
Filtering (page 40)
Copy the
to get a bare bones useful confiuration of your vim edit on the server.
A Graduated, Graphic Vim Tutorial/Cheat Sheet
Summary Cheat Sheet of Previous Tutorial
I made this my wallpaper for several months
A Clever Vim Movement-Focused Cheat Sheet
… and this was the wallpaper on my second monitor
Other useful documentation