CIS 26
Object-Oriented Programming
- Container
- Data structure whose primary purpose is to hold other
- Familiar case - array
- Properties/attributes
- Random access via explicitly-specified position (index)
- Fixed-size vs variable size
- Ordered vs unordered
Some CIS 22 Review (hopefully) Material
- Linked lists are linear structures and provide sequential access
- Hash tables provide (nearly) constant access, but no order
- Trees provide access/insertion/removal in logarithmic time, and order.
A Hierarchy of Collections
- Represents a group of objects called elements
- Ordered/unordered
- Duplicates/no duplicates
- Operations
- add
- clear
- contains
- equals
- isEmpty
- iterator
- Provides an object that allows iteration over the collection
- This is where order comes in
- remove
- size
- toArray - allows collections to be converted into an array
- A type of Collection
- Ordered
- Sequence
- User has control over insertion point
- Elements are accssed by integer index
- Allows for duplicate elements
- Operations (in addition to those of Collection)
- add (to a particular position)
- find position of an object in list
- get
- remove (at a particular position)
- set
- Analysis
- Access may be proportional to index being accessed
- Searching may be linear in cost
- A type of Collection
- No duplicate elements
- No new operations-- merely new constraints on existing operations
- maps keys to values
- One value (at most) per key
- Ordered/unordered (by key)
- Not quite a collection-- its own beast
- Though you may have seen this in math-- it's essentially a relation - a set of pairs
- Operations
- clear
- containKey
- containsValue
- entrySet - gets a Set of the key/value pairs in the map
- get (the value associated with a key)
- isEmpty
- keySet - gets the Set of keys
- put - associates a key with a value
- remove - a value associated with the given key
- values - gets the Collection of values in the map
- A type of Set
- Ordered by natural order of keys
- Operations (in addition to those of a Set)
- first
- headSet
- last
- subSet
- tailSet
- A type of Map
- Ordered by natural order of keys
- Operations (in addition to those of a Set)
- firstKey
- headMap
- lastKey
- subMap
- tailMap
- Supports iteration over a collection
- Operations
- A type of List
- Growable array of objects
- Random access via explicitly-specified position (index)
- Number of elements varies dynamically
- Automatic memory management
- Analysis
- Constant time insertion/removal at end
- Linear time insertion/removal at beginning or middle
- Operations
- add/addElement
- add (to a particular position)/insertElementAt
- elementAt/get
- firstElement
- lastElement
- remove/removeElementAt
- set/setElementAt
- Iteration
- From first to last element in index order
Vector v = new Vector();
String line = br.readLine(); // assume BufferedReader br
while (line != null) {
v.add(line); // could add ANY object to v
line = br.readLine();
Iterator iter = v.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String s = (String); // Have to state that it's a String
System.err.println(s); // or do whatever you want with the string
- (A type of Vector)
- LIFO (last-in-first-out)
- Implicit access (no real control on part of user)
- Operations (in addition to those of Vector)
- A type of Collection
- FIFO (first-in-first-out)
- Implicit access
- Operations (in addition to those of Collection
- A type of Set
- No guaranteed order
- Analysis
- Constant time access/insert/remove
HashSet hs = new HashSet();
String line = br.readLine(); // assume BufferedReader br
while (line != null) {
hs.add(line); // could add ANY object to hs
line = br.readLine();
Iterator iter = hs.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) { // No particular order
String s = (String); // Have to state that it's a String
System.err.println(s); // or do whatever you want with the string
- A type of Map
- No guaranteed order
- Analysis
- Constant time access/insert/remove
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
Employee employee =; // assume BufferedReader br
while (employee != null) {
hm.put(employee.getSSNum(), employee)); // could use ANY key or value for tm
employee =;
Set keys = hm.keySet(); // Get the set of keys
Iterator iter = keys.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) { // No particular order
String sSNum = (String); // Have to state that it's a String
Employee e = (Employee)tm.get(sSNum);
System.err.println(e); // or do whatever you want with the Employee object
- A type of SortedSet
- Ordered by natural order of keys
- Analysis
- Logarithmic time access/insert/remove
TreeSet ts = new TreeSet();
String line = br.readLine(); // assume BufferedReader br
while (line != null) {
ts.add(line); // could add ANY object to ts
line = br.readLine();
Iterator iter = ts.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) { // Natural order of String (alphabetical order)
String s = (String); // Have to state that it's a String
System.err.println(s); // or do whatever you want with the string
- A type of
- Ordered by natural order of keys
- Analysis
- Logarithmic time access/insert/remove
- Iteration
- Iterate over set of keys, retrieving the value for each key
- Natural order of keys
TreeMap tm = new TreeMap();
Employee employee =; // assume BufferedReader br
while (employee != null) {
tm.put(employee.getSSNum, employee)); // could use ANY key or value for tm
line = br.readLine();
Set keys = tm.keySet(); // Get the set of keys
Iterator iter = keys.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) { // Natural order of the key -- a String (alphabetical order)
String sSNum = (String); // Have to state that it's a String
Employee e = (Employee)tm.get(sSNum);
System.err.println(e); // or do whatever you want with the Employee object
- A type of
- Linked list implementation
- Doubly-linked
- Operations
Deque (not implemented in Java)