CISC 3130
Data Structures
Applications I — Stack

Balanced Delimiter Checking

Write a boolean-value function that accepts an expression containing various 'bracketing' delimiters ((), [], {}, <>), and returns whether the 'parens' are well-balanced.
	for each character in expression 
		if  the character is an opener
			push on stack
		else if the character is a closer
			if stack is empty return false
			if the (opener at) the top of the stack does not match the closer
				return false
			pop the stack

	if the stack is not empty return false
	return true
Question: Could we add quotes (" and ') to our delimiter set? What about double brackets (<</>>)?

A Java Implementation

import java.util.Stack;

class DelimiterChecker {
	static boolean check(String exp) {
		Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
		for (char c : exp.toCharArray()) {
			if (isOpener(c))
			else if (isCloser(c)) {
				if (stack.empty()) return false;	
				char opener = stack.pop();
				if (!matches(opener, c)) return false;

		if (!stack.empty()) return false;
		return true;

	private static boolean isOpener(char c) {return OPENERS.indexOf(c) >= 0;}
	private static boolean isCloser(char c) {return CLOSERS.indexOf(c) >= 0;}
	private static boolean matches(char opener, char closer) {return OPENERS.indexOf(opener) == CLOSERS.indexOf(closer);}

	private static String 
		OPENERS = "([{<",
		CLOSERS = ")]}>";


The Driver

public class DelimiterCheckerApp {
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		if (args.length == 1)
			for (String exp : exps)

	static private void doIt(String exp) {
		System.out.println(exp + " - >" + DelimiterChecker.check(exp));

	static String [] 
		exps = {
weiss$ java DelimiterCheckerApp 
a -> true
(a) -> true
[a] -> true
{a} -> true
([a]) -> true
(a] -> false
)a( -> false
 -> true
weiss$ java DelimiterCheckerApp "{a + (b)}"
{a + (b)} -> true

An Exception-Oriented Implementation

import java.util.Stack;

class DelimiterChecker {
	static void check(String exp) throws DelimiterCheckerException {
		Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
		for (char c : exp.toCharArray()) {
			if (isOpener(c))
			else if (isCloser(c)) {
				if (stack.empty()) throw new DelimiterCheckerException("Missing opener");
				char opener = stack.pop();
				if (!matches(opener, c)) throw new DelimiterCheckerException("Mismatched delimiters");

		if (!stack.empty()) throw new DelimiterCheckerException("Missing closer(s)");

	private static boolean isOpener(char c) {return OPENERS.indexOf(c) >= 0;}
	private static boolean isCloser(char c) {return CLOSERS.indexOf(c) >= 0;}
	private static boolean matches(char opener, char closer) {return OPENERS.indexOf(opener) == CLOSERS.indexOf(closer);}

	private static String 
		OPENERS = "([{<",
		CLOSERS = ")]}>";

The Driver

public class DelimiterCheckerApp {
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		if (args.length == 1)
			for (String exp : exps)

	static private void doIt(String exp) {
		try {
			System.out.println(exp + " -> " + "Ok");
		} catch(DelimiterCheckerException e) {
			System.out.println("*** "+ e + ": " + exp);

	static String [] 
		exps = {

The Exception Class

public class DelimiterCheckerException extends Exception {
	public DelimiterCheckerException(String message) {
weiss$ java DelimiterCheckerApp
a -> Ok
(a) -> Ok
[a] -> Ok
{a} -> Ok
gt; -> Ok
([a]) -> Ok
*** DelimiterCheckerException: Mismatched delimiters: (a]
*** DelimiterCheckerException: Missing opener: )a(
*** DelimiterCheckerException: Missing closer(s): (a
 -> Ok

Expression Evaluation

Infix, Prefix, Postfix Notation

  1. Infix: a + b * c
    • Infix: a + (b * c) (parenthesized)
    • Postfix: a b c * +
    • Prefix: + a * b c
  2. Infix: (a + b) * c
    • Postfix: a b + c *
    • Prefix: * + a b c

Postfix Expression Evaluation

		for each token t
			if t is an operand 
				push it on the stack
			else // t is an operator
				pop the right operand off the stack	
				pop the left operand off the stack	
				evaluate the simple expression a consisting of the operands and the operator,
					and push the result on the stack

		return the value on the stack

A Java Implementation

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;

public class PostfixEval {
	public PostfixEval(String exp) {this.exp = exp;}

	public int eval() throws PostfixEvalException {
		Stack<Integer> evalStack = new Stack<>();;

		 Scanner scanner = new Scanner(exp);

		 while (scanner.hasNext()) {
			String token =;
			if (isOperand(token))
			else if (isOperator(token)) {  
				if (evalStack.empty()) throw new PostfixEvalException("Missing operand");
				int operand2 = evalStack.pop();
				if (evalStack.empty()) throw new PostfixEvalException("Missing operand");
				int operand1 = evalStack.pop();
				evalStack.push(eval(token, operand1, operand2));
				throw new PostfixEvalException("unexpected token");

		if (evalStack.empty()) throw new PostfixEvalException("Empty expression");
		int result = evalStack.pop();
		if (!evalStack.empty()) throw new PostfixEvalException("Missing operator(s)");
		return result;

	// evaluate single operator expression
	private static int eval(String optr, int operand1, int operand2) throws PostfixEvalException {
		switch (optr) {
			case "+": return operand1 + operand2;
			case "-": return operand1 - operand2;
			case "*": return operand1 * operand2;
			case "/": 
				if (operand2 == 0) throw new PostfixEvalException("Division by 0");
				return operand1 / operand2;
		throw new PostfixEvalException("Insanity check in eval");

	String exp;

	static boolean isOperand(String token) {return Character.isDigit(token.charAt(0));} 
	static boolean isOperator(String token) {return OPERATOR_STRING.indexOf(token.charAt(0)) != -1;}

	final static String OPERATOR_STRING = "+-*/";

The Driver

public class PostfixEvalApp {
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		if (args.length == 1)
			for (String exp : exps)

	static private void doIt(String exp) {
		try {
			System.out.println(exp + " -> " + new PostfixEval(exp).eval());
		} catch (PostfixEvalException e) {
			System.out.println("*** " + e + ": " + exp);

	static String [] 
		exps = {
			"2 4 +",
			"6 1 -",
			"8 5 *",
			"12 4 /",
			"2 3 4 * +", 
			"2 3 + 4 *",
			"2 3",
			"2 +",
weiss$ java PostfixEvalApp
2 4 + -> 6
6 1 - -> 5
8 5 * -> 40
12 4 / -> 3
2 3 4 * + -> 14
2 3 + 4 * -> 20
5 -> 5
*** PostfixEvalException: Missing operator(s): 2 3
*** PostfixEvalException: Missing operand: 2 +
*** PostfixEvalException: Missing operand: +
*** PostfixEvalException: Empty expression: 

Infix To Postfix Conversion

Some examples:
  1. 3 * 4 → 3 4 *
  2. 3 * 4 + 5 → 3 4 * 5 +
  3. 3 + 4 * 5 → 3 4 5 * +
  4. 3 * (4 + 5) → 3 4 5 + *
  5. 3 + 4 - 5 → 3 4 + 5 -
Note that we hold onto operators until we determine that a following operator has less precedence at which point we output the most recent unoutputted operator. I.e., we need aa stack.

An Algorithm

	result = ""
	while there is another token t
		if  t is an operand 
			append it to result
		else if t is a (
			push t on the stack
		else if t is a )
			while the top of the stack is not a (
				append the top of the stack to result and pop the stack
		else 	// t is an operator
			while the stack is NOT empty and the operator on top of the stack has higher precedence than t
				append the operator on top of the stack to result and pop the stack
			push t

	pop remaining elements from stack and append them to result
	return result
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;

public class InfixToPostfix {
public InfixToPostfix(String exp) {this.exp = exp;}

	public String convert() throws PostfixEvalException {
		Stack<String> opStack = new Stack<>();;
		String postfix = "";

		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(exp);

		while (scanner.hasNext()) {
			String token =;

			if (isOperand(token))
				postfix += token + " ";
			else if (token.equals("(")) 		// '(' always gets pushed
			else if (isOperator(token)) {
				String optr = token;
				// Output any higher-prec operator on stack
				while (!opStack.empty() && !opStack.peek().equals("(") && precLevel(opStack.peek()) >= precLevel(optr)) {
					postfix += opStack.pop();
					postfix += " ";
				opStack.push(optr);		// push current operator
			else if (token.equals(")")) {	
				// Output all operators on stack until '('
				while (!opStack.empty() && !opStack.peek().equals("(")) {
					postfix += opStack.pop();
					postfix += " ";
				if (opStack.empty()) throw new PostfixEvalException("Unmatched )");
				throw new PostfixEvalException("Unexpected character");

		// Output any remaining operators
		while (!opStack.empty()) {
			postfix += opStack.pop();
			postfix += " ";

		return postfix;

	private static int precLevel(String optr) throws PostfixEvalException {
		switch (optr) {
			case "+":
			case "-":
			return 1;

			case "*":
			case "/":
			return 2;
		throw new PostfixEvalException("Insanity check in precLevel");

	String exp;

	static boolean isOperand(String token) {return Character.isDigit(token.charAt(0));} 
	static boolean isOperator(String token) {return OPERATOR_STRING.indexOf(token.charAt(0)) != -1;}

	final static String OPERATOR_STRING = "+-*/";

State Programming

state programming is a programming technique in which the program at any one point in time is in one of a set of states and subsequent execution depends upon that state, and may transition to a new state.
  • This often leads to clean and easily understood/maintained code.
  • There is often a loop (state loop?) that is executed with some form of switch within corresponding to the various states

A State-Driven Look at Expressions

State programming can be helpful in our infix-to-postfix conversion to ensure the operators/operands appear in the correct sequence:
  • Examine what happens with the expression 2 3 +
We can set up some rules:
  • operands are always followed by operators
  • ('s appear where operands can and are followed by operands
  • operators are always followed by operands
  • ')' appear where operators can and are followed by operators

State Diagrams and State Transitions

  • Two states: OPERAND, OPERATOR
    • Each represents what we are expecting
State Input New State