CISC 1115
Introduction to Programming Using Java
Labs Home Page

List of the Labs

About the Labs

Working on the Labs

The Output Displayed for the Exercises

Each exercise is accompanied by the details of one or more test runs. The purpose of these are to:

Submitting the Lab Exercises to CodeLab

Once your satisfied that your program 'works', you should submit it to CodeLab:

A Note on the Output Displayed by CodeLab

Lab # Description
1 Introductory lab
2 Floating point, weighted averages, simple if, and if/else
3 Testing for Divisibility / User-specified Loop Limits, Cascaded if/else
4 Methods
5 Files
6 Logical Operators
7 Techniques I
9 Loops
10 Techniques II
11 Arrays
12 Techniques III
14 Techniques IV
15 Sorting & Searching
16 Strings