CIS 3115
Modern Programming Techniques
Exam #1 Topic List
The Structure of the Exam
- For all topics, you should be able to trace, analyze, and write Java code.
- Questions will for the most part consist of:
- presenting you with a piece of code and asking you what is output — or what the value of one or more variables
are — once the code is executed
- presenting you with a problem decription and asking you to write the corresponding code
- asking you what is wrong with a piece of code and/or asking you to repair it
- presenting you with a piece of code and asking you to trace the value of one or more variables
as the code is executed
- There may also be some multiple-choice and short answer questions.
- Although you will not be asked for definitions of terms, you should know them as they will be used in the text of the questions.
- At least 50 points on the exam will come directly from assigned exercises.
- You are only responsible for topics and material in the lecture notes and the CodeLab exercises / labs. The latter are a great way
for you to prepare yourself for the exam.
The exam covers Lectures 1-3. Here is a detailed breakdown of the topics
All 1115 material and material from Lectures 0 and 1 (Review and Prep for Classes)
- Class definitions
- Behavior/state — instance variables and methods
- Constructors
- Default constructors
- Overloaded constructors
and overloading constructor
- References, reference variables and types, primitive variables and type
- Data access —
/ private
- Instances/objects — creating, accessing
- Composition
- Delegation / leveraging
- Arrays of class objects
- Arrays as instance variables of classes
- Static (class) methods and variables
, equals
, and read
- scoping rules
- immutable and mutable classes
CodeLab, Labs
- CodeLab Exercises (Lab 2)
- Labs — 0-3